The Musings, Tall tales, and writings of a girl called Gabster

The Musings, Tall tales, and writings of a girl called Gabster

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pizza with Ketchup...yep you got that right.

      Every summer my family and I go to Brazil to visit my mom's side of the fam. One of the yummiest things there...(no lie) is going to a pizza restaurant and topping it with a generous amount of the ketchup already supplied for you at the table. No offense but the ketchup there kinda sucks (you will have a full appreciation for Heinz once you've had it for at least a month). Still, it's amazing on on pizza to be exact! There's not really much tomato sauce on their I guess it's kinda a supplement... but don't be shy! Order your pizza and BLAST THE KETCHUP ON!!! You have not lived until that moment comes!!!!!!! Trust me...just try will never be the sameee.......

1. Take slice of pizza
2. Take a bottle of ketchip
3. Empty ketchup onto pizza
4. Take a moment to admire 
5. Take a bite......the rest should be natural from there.


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