The Musings, Tall tales, and writings of a girl called Gabster

The Musings, Tall tales, and writings of a girl called Gabster

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

And so it begins...

Heya!  Hello! Hi?  So... my big mindblowing (and definately charming) introduction is a simple...Hi.
Yeah... HOW DO YOU EVEN START A BLOG??? I've been putting this off for forever because I can never figure where to begin.... Basically, my blog will be random musings... strange lists... and (hopefully) somewhat interesting stories. Some of the things I say will be true...and some I'll just wish were. *wink wink* So you'll have to take my truths with my lies. Bwahaha!

     Fooling around on my notepad at three in the morning and this is what happens...

Common Misconceptions about me:

1. I do NOT pencil my eyebrows. They are naturally that annoying dark -_-
2. That dot on the side of my face...?? It's NOT chocolate sauce... it's called a birthmark!!!!!
3. I am twelve. FALSE. (this face palm has been casually said by my dentist)
4. I am a pyromaniac. HAHA (Once upon a time I happened to give "fire" as the answer to almost every question in class. But am I a pyromaniac? This is not the case. Or your house is burning down now. Your house IS burning down NOW.)
5. I get angry easily, anything will get me mad. FALSE. Over reacting is just part of the fun!
9. I never cry. Never. Not at all.
10. I am not a Jessie J fan....No...not one bit. The numerous songs and videos on my ipod and the ginormous cover photos of her face on my facebook profile are just there to proclaim my pure hatred.

10 random things about me! (10 seconds per answer)

1. When I eat mashed potatoes I pretend they're clouds
2. When I was little I used to jump on my bed and eat popcorn off my ceiling...sometimes I still do...
3. I am a huge Jessie J fan.
4. I've always wanted to learn soccer. I'm's supposed to be a way of life. But whenever I do try to play I kinda suck.
5. To me, art is grabbing the nail polish I never wear and chucking it all over a blank piece of paper. Warning, do not attempt in a closed confinement. Slap happiness will follow.
6. My guilty pleasure has always been listening to Demi Lovato. Even when she was "uncool." And at ten I styled Lovato bangs with pride.
7. My first crush walked into a room with me following and declared his hatred my writing thus on the whiteboard. -_- Yeah, we never got along so hot afterwards.
8. I think if I could relate to anyone really really closely it would have to be Mia Thermopolis from the Princess Diaries books... haha yes sometimes I really do feel like her. And the main character from the manga "Dengeki Daisy." With all her spazzes and outbreaks, and just who she is in general, I feel like I get her =)
9. I live and breathe pepperoni pizza. I need it like air.
10. I have a strange irrational fear that one day my belly button will unravel. Just think about it... it was the thing the we used to eat through in our mom's stomach and then now there's a bit of it we still have all coiled up and it would be super awful if it came undone and you just had this like placenta hanging from your stomach... When I found out that Khloe Kardashian had this same exact fear I was actually kinda comforted =)

Signing off!
Peace Yo!

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