The Musings, Tall tales, and writings of a girl called Gabster

The Musings, Tall tales, and writings of a girl called Gabster

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Wish Sisters.... (intro/beginning) part 1

   My name is Olivia Kelsey. I'm sixteen years old and equipped with a killer empathy... literally. I have two other sisters, and together we form an inseparable bond. Strange to say, there are few beings like us with that strange connection, they're usually loners. Yeah, beings... you got that straight. If creepy supernatural creatures pop up in your head, you know the kind that haunt a victim then mysteriously disappear into thin air, then think again. Just hear me out... in the few blessed encounters with us, people have called us angels, sent to grant their impossible prayers and innumerable heartaches. But those humans have got it wrong. Angels are more in the messenger department, but we have the granting up our alleyway. We can root through peoples desires... and yeah we know the real significance between wanting a cheeseburger and hoping for the brain tumor to never come back. I guess the real blessing of it all is our ability to change fate. We find someone with an important need or want that they'll never have, and we can change their stars. It's our choice to who gets what. And I think that's why we were made human, so we can understand the pain of human suffering. And sure, it's all rainbows and sunshine to have the power to make one small human lifetime just a bit rosier...but there's just one catch. We get one shot at this, one shot to make the best of our ability, and then when we grant the wish we die. I don't really know exactly how, but we call it quits forever. I  just hope it isn't very painful. Truth is that we don't like to talk about, and we like to focus on the brighter things, like how our life calling has been layed out for us from the beginning. Sure it is a hassle, but it is somewhat a lighter burden.
   So here I am, the middle sister, sarcastic of the bunch, but with a heart of gold (even I must admit it).Charlie is the youngest, and the sweetest. She's always laughing, and it really opens people up to her I’m sure. Then there's the oldest- Raymond. She does what big sisters do, cherish, that sort of thing? No...boss. But we love her anyways, and the fact is that she always brings out the best in everybody.

Have somewhat of a story in mind... here's a tiny bit of it to start! More coming soon...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pizza with Ketchup...yep you got that right.

      Every summer my family and I go to Brazil to visit my mom's side of the fam. One of the yummiest things there...(no lie) is going to a pizza restaurant and topping it with a generous amount of the ketchup already supplied for you at the table. No offense but the ketchup there kinda sucks (you will have a full appreciation for Heinz once you've had it for at least a month). Still, it's amazing on on pizza to be exact! There's not really much tomato sauce on their I guess it's kinda a supplement... but don't be shy! Order your pizza and BLAST THE KETCHUP ON!!! You have not lived until that moment comes!!!!!!! Trust me...just try will never be the sameee.......

1. Take slice of pizza
2. Take a bottle of ketchip
3. Empty ketchup onto pizza
4. Take a moment to admire 
5. Take a bite......the rest should be natural from there.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The Vampire Apocalypse!

I've never been one to believe that sort of crap. Zombies, name it. But as I'm shivering under a car in a mall parking lot, everything I have ever believed in has come crashing down. If you're reading may be too late, but there could still be hope.
I step through the sliding glass doors of the East Side Mall. My brain simply brushes off the news that has been circulating the last few days, one shocking report covering the story on a random hobo's face bitten off by a man with inhuman strength and overflowing anger. Not to mention the rumors flooding this very mall. Vampires? Ha! I scoff. But they have been said to be spotted here. First, shadows and screams in the alleyways, and now stalking, lurking inside. They say they are taking over the mall, down to store clerks themselves. I indignantly roll my eyes as I remember scanning the stories in the local newspaper.
     My sneakers are unusually loud as they sq-eek against the white polished floor. It is strangely empty and the people passing by walk with briskness. On the third floor my vision is suddenly locked on a man pacing quickly back and forth in front of one of the shops. His skin looks as smooth and white as marble stone, and his eyes glow a faint orange and if with hunger. His gaze suddenly refocuses in one spastic movement to view me. Then young man is coming towards me now. He makes his way across the room like a huge mechanical doll. He stiffly strides towards me but quickness and determination. My brain sends signals to me like sparks. Run! half of it tells me. The logical part tells me to not worry. Irrationality won that day. Something about that guy gave me the creeps. But he was already next to me before I could make much distance and was keeping up alongside of me easily. Panic turns me into the nearest available outlet. I rush inside a dark lit room. A nail parlor no less.
     "May I help you?" A toneless voice calls. I turn to the right to dimly see the face of a lady with long black hair sitting at a desk. Her yellow eyes glow through the darkness.
     "HIBYE." I reply and am out the door in a moment.
The man had disappeared. Making my way out of that sinister place I can't help but jump at every human walking by. The incident of that day I casually brushed off as I reached home and decided a three hour nap was the best bet for recovery from my near insanity.
Bzzzzz. I groan and reach for my buzzing phone.
     "Hewo." I mumble through my pillow into the receiver.
     "Hey Gabs!" A familiar voice says my name. My heart jumps.
     "Hey Will!." Aaaand I'm up.
"I was wondering if you'd want to come over and watch a movie tonight or something."
     "Sure, sure! What time?"
     "Okay, sounds good. See you then." I smile and put down the phone. Will and I are friends. Just friends. At least he's always seen me that way.
     That night we ordered chinese takeout and watched Peter Pan of all things.
I can barely contain my happiness when I see he has that movie. I'm a Pan geek. I've left my window open just a little bit...just in case...countless times.
     "Okay, okay! Peter Pan it is." He flashes me a gleaming smile, but just a little longer than usual.
With his arm around me we watch the coolest movie on earth. But something feels different. I have this weird feeling that he cares about me in a way I've never noticed before. He smiles different, and when he falls asleep (and I slap him till he wakes up) he always pulls me a little closer. I go home confused.
     The next day I step into the mall once again. Will's birthday is next week and I need to get him a present.       I think I like him, and this idea brings a grin to my face. I slap myself quickly and shake the feeling off. Just Friends. I remind myself.
     "Everyone gather at the first floor, Immediately." A loud voice calls from the mall's speakers. I'm shoved down the escalators in a group of panicking people. I view the crowd around me. People are pouring in through the mall doors, and are huddling on the floor.
     "Hannah!" I call to a friend of mine I spot. "What's going on?"
     "They say there's refuge here." she shivers.
     Someone turns on the TV to the news.
A news reporter bellows, "Small town infested with so called reports of vampires. People are fighting their way through the doors of a local mall being attacked on their way to the refuge. More details to follow."
     I rush outside the glass doors, I need to leave, I need to leave now. I see the pale man I had seen yesterday pouncing on a lady running towards the doors. Other people are behind me also making their way to their cars. The voice on the speaker is now cackling with laughter as I push my way outside. A group of swift guys are chasing us through the rows of cars. I turn my head slightly in horror to view a woman scream as one leeches onto her neck. Panic grips me harder as I try and remember where I parked my car. Shaking with fear I throw myself under a VW and hope to not be found. A few more screams chill the air, and few more taunting words are thrown at victims...then silence. I slowly inch my way out from under the car. I stand up and look around. They're all gone. The bloodsuckers have vanished completely.
     "I knew if I waited it out they'd disappear!" A white haired man says as he jumps into his nearby truck.
     I move quietly but quickly among the rows of cars. I still have a feeling that maybe this isn't all over. Why can't I remember where I parked? I need to get my butt out of here and I am more cautious then ever in the silence surrounding me. I turn and see a swift man running up a grassy hill towards me and towards the parking lot. I duck behind a car. I wait a moment and hold my breath. Leaning slightly forwards I view the surroundings are clear. Gone. He is nowhere to be seen.
     "Looking for something?" I hear a playful voice call behind me.
     I whip around to see the man leaning casually against the side of the car behind me.I can't even shriek as I dart from him in this cat and mouse chase. I am terrified, and he is taunting me, tiring me out for the kill. Half of me wants to give up but half of me wants to keep going...for someone. A part of me (the irrational one) can't stop thinking about just one person I want to fight this out for. The rational part of me tells myself it is too late, I might as well give in. But irrationality scores again. Will, that's who I want to survive for. I drop onto the asphalt and disappear under yet another car. All is deathly quiet again. And as I write this I hope it isn't too late. If it's too late for me, for me and Will, hopefully you can all save yourselves.

   Well, really this was all a dream I had last night. Yeah, I thought I'd let you know the truth. Just in case I had seriously tricked you and you were sure vampires were attacking malls and all. I think I will have a lifelong fear of malls and parking lots from now on... and I think I'll forever be in love with Will. WHO'S NOT EVEN REAL. jgfdhgidhgjfdgnhjfkdhnjkjgk

Yeah, come on now.

Anyways, I'm extremely bored and extremely tired!
Signing off!!

wadja think? I felt like writing and this was the easiest idea that came to mind...everything else took too much thought at the moment =P

Nail Polish paint, no money, no life!

Me+Boredom+Closed confinement+Nail Polish= Tada!!!


...and of course definite slap happiness.

Mom (walks in as I'm throwing nail polish at the paper and it's flying halway across the room): What's that sme- what are you doing???

Me: (Uncontrollable laughter)

Mom: ......

(Opens window) (Exits)

So what do you think??  If you rarely use nail polish like me its super fun to try. =)

Here's a close up of the SPARKLESSSS...

Enjoy! xo

And so it begins...

Heya!  Hello! Hi?  So... my big mindblowing (and definately charming) introduction is a simple...Hi.
Yeah... HOW DO YOU EVEN START A BLOG??? I've been putting this off for forever because I can never figure where to begin.... Basically, my blog will be random musings... strange lists... and (hopefully) somewhat interesting stories. Some of the things I say will be true...and some I'll just wish were. *wink wink* So you'll have to take my truths with my lies. Bwahaha!

     Fooling around on my notepad at three in the morning and this is what happens...

Common Misconceptions about me:

1. I do NOT pencil my eyebrows. They are naturally that annoying dark -_-
2. That dot on the side of my face...?? It's NOT chocolate sauce... it's called a birthmark!!!!!
3. I am twelve. FALSE. (this face palm has been casually said by my dentist)
4. I am a pyromaniac. HAHA (Once upon a time I happened to give "fire" as the answer to almost every question in class. But am I a pyromaniac? This is not the case. Or your house is burning down now. Your house IS burning down NOW.)
5. I get angry easily, anything will get me mad. FALSE. Over reacting is just part of the fun!
9. I never cry. Never. Not at all.
10. I am not a Jessie J fan....No...not one bit. The numerous songs and videos on my ipod and the ginormous cover photos of her face on my facebook profile are just there to proclaim my pure hatred.

10 random things about me! (10 seconds per answer)

1. When I eat mashed potatoes I pretend they're clouds
2. When I was little I used to jump on my bed and eat popcorn off my ceiling...sometimes I still do...
3. I am a huge Jessie J fan.
4. I've always wanted to learn soccer. I'm's supposed to be a way of life. But whenever I do try to play I kinda suck.
5. To me, art is grabbing the nail polish I never wear and chucking it all over a blank piece of paper. Warning, do not attempt in a closed confinement. Slap happiness will follow.
6. My guilty pleasure has always been listening to Demi Lovato. Even when she was "uncool." And at ten I styled Lovato bangs with pride.
7. My first crush walked into a room with me following and declared his hatred my writing thus on the whiteboard. -_- Yeah, we never got along so hot afterwards.
8. I think if I could relate to anyone really really closely it would have to be Mia Thermopolis from the Princess Diaries books... haha yes sometimes I really do feel like her. And the main character from the manga "Dengeki Daisy." With all her spazzes and outbreaks, and just who she is in general, I feel like I get her =)
9. I live and breathe pepperoni pizza. I need it like air.
10. I have a strange irrational fear that one day my belly button will unravel. Just think about it... it was the thing the we used to eat through in our mom's stomach and then now there's a bit of it we still have all coiled up and it would be super awful if it came undone and you just had this like placenta hanging from your stomach... When I found out that Khloe Kardashian had this same exact fear I was actually kinda comforted =)

Signing off!
Peace Yo!